After reading the 6th edition rules, I thought about how to change my Dark Wolves list to adapt to the new edition. This is what I came up with ...
At 1500 points
HQ - Skyrar (Logan Grimnar)
HQ - Rune Priest in Terminator Armour with Jaws of the World Wolf and Murderous Hurricane
Troops - 8 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Meltagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 8 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Plasmagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 8 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Plasmagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 8 Wolf Guard (1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Powerweapon, 6 in terminator armour with Combi-Plasma and Power Weapon and 1 in terminator armour with power weapon, stormbolter and cyclone missile launcher) in Drop Pod
Heavy Support - 6 Long Fangs (3 with Missile Launchers and 2 with Multi-Meltas) in Drop Pod
Skyrar and the wolf guard with cyclone missile launcher will join the long fangs and will generaly be the first drop pod down. Each grey hunter squad will be led by a wolf guard in terminator armour. The remaining wolf guard terminators and the runepriest will also drop on the first turn. The grey hunters with the melta weapons will also drop in the first wave. The grey hunters with plasma weapons will stay in reserve.
At 1750 points
HQ - Skyrar (Logan Grimnar)
HQ - Rune Priest in Terminator Armour with Combi-Plasma, Jaws of the World Wolf and Murderous Hurricane
Troops - 7 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Meltagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 7 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Plasmagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 7 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Plasmagun in Drop Pod
Troops - 7 Wolf Guard (1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Powerweapon and 6 in terminator armour with Combi-Plasma and Power Weapon) in Drop Pod
Heavy Support - 6 Long Fangs (5 with Multi-Meltas) in Drop Pod
Heavy Support - 6 Long Fangs (5 with Missile Launchers) in Drop Pod
Heavy Support - 6 Long Fangs (5 with Missile Launchers) in Drop Pod
With Longfangs now able to snapfire when they come down, I no longer need Logan to have them shoot the turn they come in. Although Logan's prefered enemy now also applies to the multi-melta shooting. Pretty nice if you can reroll those pesky 1's to wound.
So a notable change from melta to plasma, and maybe more importantly a change from melee to shooting. I will also try out the 2+ save at the front to soak up wounds with the new wound allocation rules. A full drop pod list is now one of the only ways to do a null deployment. And since most of my opponent's no longer have that option, I will always have something to shoot at.
I don't see the need to add allies. Both space wolf HQ and troops are all that I need. The only downside is that I have no flyer or real anti-flyer option. So I'll propably try to ignore them as much as possible and focus on the missions. The three units of long fangs are even scoring units in one of the 6 missions.
As soon as I get some test games in, I'll post some more battlereports. And then it's time to start assembling and painting the new models I added to the list ...