donderdag 15 december 2011

P&B battle report vs Space Marines

My second 1500 points campaign battle saw me facing off against another salamanders space marine list last friday. My opponent's army consisted of Vulkan, a Librarian and five thunderhammer stormshield terminators in a landraider redeemer, two units of ten tactical marines in rhinos, a dreadnought in a drop pod and a five man scout squad with sniper rifles and heavy bolter. We rolled for mission and deployment and got Capture and Control with a Spearhead Deployment. My opponent won the roll to go first, chose a table corner and put his objective right in the corner. I placed my objective in the middle of my deployment zone near terrain.

My opponent decided to keep all his units in reserve. He even kept his dreadnought in reserve and on his first turn only dropped the empty drop pod in the middle of the table, to the right of the hill.

In my first turn, my first three drop pods arrived. I dropped a small unit of grey hunters south of his drop pod, another small unit on my objective and Logan, the wolfguard with cyclone missile launcher and the long fangs to the north of his drop pod. Unfortunately, the drop pod scatters off my own objective and isn't in contesting range. My marines get out and move into range of my own objective. Logan and the long fangs disembark partially in terrain and shoot at the lone drop pod but fail to destroy it. The other marines disembark and the lone melta shot explodes my opponent's drop pod.

On my opponent's second turn, only his dreadnought arrives from reservers. The dreadnought moves up, flames and melta's the long fang unit and then assaults them through terrain, rolling just enough to get in range. Logan is too far away to get into melee reach. I lost several long fangs.

In my second turn, only the drop pod with the grey hunters and the rune priest shows up. I drop it in the middle off the table my opponent's table side. The marines get out and keep ready for reserves coming on from both sides of the drop pod. The grey hunters that destroyed the drop pod move towards the hill but also more towards my opponent's table side, hoping to catch my opponent off guard when I go for this objective in the next rounds. In the assault phase, I lose another long fang but Logan chops off the close combat arm.

In my opponent's third turn his scouts come on, as does a rhino with tactical marines. The rhino moves up on the left flank and pops smoke. The scouts move next to his objective. In the assault phase, Logan chops off the other arm and immobilizes the dreadnought.

In my third turn the drop pod with my terminators arrives. They get out and run towards the rhino, hoping to stop it from reaching my lines, but they only got two extra inches of movement. As he had smoked, I didn't shoot but in hindsight I should have done it in stead of running. My grey hunters keep moving through the hill and open terrain, heading for the dreadnought. In the assault phase, Logan kills the dreadnought and I consolidate what remains of the unit in terrain towards my opponent's objective.

In my opponent's fourth turn, his landraider finally arrives from reserves and moves up twelve inches between my grey hunters with runepriest and my terminators. His second rhino with tactical marines also arrives and comes on the board on the other side of my grey hunters with rune priest. His other rhine moves up another 12 inches towards my objective. The terminators and vulkan get out of the landraider but the librarian remains inside. The landraider uses power of the machine spirit to flame my grey hunters, leaving only my mark of the wulfen and the rune priest alive. The tactical squad also disembarks and double taps my grey hunters. The scouts fire on Logan and the long fangs, causing a wound on Logan. The librarian casts null zone. The terminators and vulkan then assault my terminators and wipe them although I can take one terminator with me. They consolidate towards my objective.

In my fourth turn my wolf scouts with wolf guard battle leader arrive from behind enemy lines, right next to his scouts. Their shooting kills two and in the assault they finish the squad off, losing only one of their own in the process. They consolidate towards the enemy rhino. Logan and his unit move through terrain towards my opponent's table edge and shoot at the rhino and wreck it. My grey hunters try to take my opponent off guard and start moving towards his objective but my difficult terrain and run rolls are too low for me to get their quickly. My runepriest leaves the remaining grey hunter and moves so he has a nice line of effect on the squad of disembarked tactical marines. He casts jaws of the world wolf but my opponent's librarian's psychic hood blocks the spell. The lone mark of the wulfen grey hunter moves closer, shoots his pistol and then assaults the tactical marines. In hindsight, I should have assaulted with the runepriest as well. I cause two rending attacks and his returning strikes fail to kill the mark of the wulfen. We remain locked in combat. The grey hunters on my objective start moving towards and into terrain (but still in claiming range) of the objective.

On my opponent's fifth turn he moves his terminators and the rhino towards my objective. His tactical marines disembark and are now in contesting range of the objective. The landraider moves towards my runepriest and disembarks the librarian. The landraider's assault cannon kills the runepriest but his multi-melta fails to hurt the long fang drop pod. His librarian also uses a psychic attack on the drop pod but scatters off target. The disembarked tactical squad near my objective shoots my grey hunters, causing a leadership check and I fail it. They withdraw towards my table edge, luckily more than 6 inches away from my opponent's forces. The other tactical squad kills my mark fo the wulfen and consolidate towards my opponent's objective, through the wrecked rhino, killing the sergeant in the process.

In my fifth turn, my grey hunters move toward my opponent's objective but fail to reach it. The withdrawing grey hunters regroup and move and run back into range of the objective. Logan and his unit move into the path of the tactical marines, as do my wolf scouts. Logan and the remaining long fang unit assault the tacticals and wipe them, consolidating behind the wreck.

We roll to see if there's another turn but the game ends on a draw with his objective not held and mine constested.

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