dinsdag 26 juni 2012

Tournament test battle vs Dark Eldar

Last friday I played a second 1850 battle with the special missions for the Belgian Open tournament I will be attending next month. I took my 1750 list, removed a grey hunter in each squad, removed the rune priest's chooser of the slain and added two land speeders, each with multi-melta and heavy flamer, to bring the list to 1850. I played against a dark eldar army consisting of two units of kabalite warriors, a unit of incubi in a venom, a unit of reaver jetbikes, a unit of ? in a venom, two units of wyches in raiders, a voidraven bommer and two ravagers. Deployment was dawn of war. In this mission each player had to try to take more kill points than his opponent. At the start of the battle, we each could nominate 5 points on force organisation chart categories (but not on troops), max 2 per categorie, and those categories would give kill points equal to the number of points allocated. We both choose each others elites and heavy support to count double.

My opponent won the roll to go first and had me choose sides. I deployed a unit of grey hunters in the middle of the table to push him back during his deployment. I deployed another grey hunter squad in a ruined building on my side of the board, hoping to keep the safe. My opponent only deployed both of his units of kabalite warriors in cover, letting the rest of his army come on the table during his first turn.

In my first turn I dropped both the grey hunters' drop pods down near the middle of my deployment zone. As third drop pod, I dropped down Logan and the longfangs. I should have been smarter and dropped them on my side of the board, taking advantage of the 48" missiles. I instead tried to drop next to one of his units of warriors but scattered towards the middle of the table. I split fire and shot at both his units, forgot to use the blast templates and so shot single shots, killing only one in each unit. My grey hunters in the middle moved a bit forward, but staying in cover.
In my opponent's first turn, all his skimmers came on and shot at Logan and the longfangs and at the grey hunters. I lost most of the long fangs and half of the grey hunters and Logan was down a wound.

In my second turn, both my shooty terminators with the runepriest and the first unit of wolf scouts arrived. The wolf scouts got to choose from where they came on, so I took his table edge and moved them right behind a ravager. My shooty terminators come down right in front of his skimmers near the middle of his deployment zone. The runepriest left the unit so he could shoot at a nearby venom with his combi-melta. The three other combi-melta's went into the nearby ravager. Logan and the remaining long fangs moved up towards the kabalite warriors in cover and shot at the voidraven bomber. The grey hunters rolled for difficult terrain but only got enough to move back into coherency in stead of moving forward, out of terrain. The scouts blew up the ravager and I immobilized the other ravager, but all my other shooting, including the long fangs, did nothing worth mentioning.
In my opponent's second turn, he continued the carnage. He shot down the runepriest and assaulted the shooty terminators with the incubi, killing all before I could strike back. His first witches squad got out of their raider, shot and assaulted the wolf scouts, killing all of them before I could strike back. I lost the terminator wolf guard from the long fangs squad and only one missile launcher and Logan survived his shooting, with Logan down to one wound. With the rest of his shooting, he destroyed the remaining grey hunters near the middle of the board.

In my next turn, both speeders and my assault terminators arrived. The terminators dropped down in between all his units, hoping they could take his shooting for at least one round. My speeders moved up and behind cover. The terminators shot at one of his skimmers but he made all his invulnerable saves. Logan left the lone long fang and tried to get into combat with the large squad but didn't roll high enough on the difficult terrain roll to get into assault. The lone longfang shot his missile launcher at the packed together unit of incubi, got a direct hit but failed to kill at least one.
In my opponent's next turn, he moved his reaver jetbikes over my terminators, inflicting some hits. He shot down Logan with the kabalite warriors. He assaulted the long fang with the incubi and killed him. The rest of his shooting killed all but two of my assault terminators.

On my fourth turn, I moved the remaining assault termintators towards the reaver jet bikes. One of my speeders moved up and shot its multi-melta at an empty venom, destroying it. I assaulted the reaver jetbikes but we failed to hurt each other significantly.
On my opponent's fourth turn, he disembarked his other squad of wyches and moved them towards my assault terminators. He also started to focus on the nearby drop pods, taking down a few of them. In the assault, my remaining terminators were destroyed. He also shot down my grey hunters in the ruined building in my deployment zone.

On my fifth turn, I moved the closest landspeeder towards his reaver jetbikes and flamed them, killing some of them. My last unit of scouts arrived and wrecked the second ravager in close combat, glancing it to death.
On my opponent's turn, he moved his voidraven bomber closer and shot at my landspeeder, destroying it. He moved his wyches towards my wolf scouts. He then shot half of his army at my wolf scouts, killing them all. Shooting and assault also destroyed the other landspeeder. We rolled to see if the game continued and it did. While this was really not needed to determine the outcome of the game, I wanted to give my opponent the chance to wipe me off the table.

In my turn six, I used the only two remaining units I had left on the table: my first two drop pods. I actually shot down the last of the reaver jetbikes, giving me another kill point.
In my opponent's turn six, he shot down another drop pod. My other drop pod lost it's weapon if I am not mistaken.

We went on to turn seven but my opponent failed to kill the last drop pod. In the end I lost with something like 5 to 19 kill points. I hope I learned from this game what not to do in this situation ...

maandag 18 juni 2012

Hobby progress update

I almost finished assembling the second landspeeder. I only need to get my hands on two chaos space marine shoulder pads.

Hobby progress update

As promised, here's a step by step on how to magnetise a landspeeder. As I wasn't planning on using these speeders as typhoons, I didn't magnetise it for that option.

I first put a dot of green stuff in the square hole on the piece that will hold the underslung heavy flamer. I then added a drop of superglue and pushed in a small magnet.

I then drilled a hole in the back piece that is also attached to the underside of the landspeeder in the back. This is purely for storage purposes.

When this is dry, I hold the weapon mount piece to the underside, add a dot of superglue to the top and snap a bigger magnet into the superglue.

To make sure the magnet stays in place, I add some greenstuff on top.

I then do the same for the back piece.

And add a bit of green stuff once again.

I also magnetise the torso's of the gunner and the driver so they can be removed to paint them. I started by glueing small magnets beneath the seats.

Once more, I added small dots of greenstuff to make sure the magnets stay in place.

I then insert a bigger magnet into the torsos. The back pieces that are in the landspeeder box are ready for this but the chaos space marines fronts that I used needed to be hollowed out to allow room for the magnet.

Then glue the two halves together to seal the magnet in.

And then it should look like this ...

zondag 17 juni 2012

Hobby progress update

I painted the basecoats on the first landspeeder today. With the new paint range of GW, I no longer have enough badab black wash so I added Vallejo black shade wash to my leftover badab black and used this mix. The result isn't great but I hope that highlighting it will make the final result look cleaner.

I also clipped and cleaned the parts for the second speeder and started magnetising it. I will try to take step-by-step pictures so I can post a "how to magnetise a landspeeder".

Hobby progress update

Last week I found the time to undercoat and basecoat the first landspeeder.

In the meanwhile I remembered that I basecoated the infantry models grey, not blue, so I'll have to redo the torsos of the driver and gunner.