maandag 11 juni 2012

Tournament 1850 Army List

I am registerd for the Belgian Open tournament with my space wolves. I plan on taking the following 1850 list. This list is mainly my 1750 tournament list. My first thought was to add a deathwind missile launcher to each of my 5 drop pods but after playing the test battle, I don't think they will be usefull most of the time. So with some tweeking I came up with the following, taking into account I wanted to get it all on my display board as well.

HQ - Skyrar (Logan Grimnar)

HQ - Rune Priest in Terminator Armour with Combi-Melta, Jaws of the World Wolf and Murderous Hurricane

Elites - 5 Wolf Scouts with Meltagun

Elites - 5 Wolf Scouts with Meltagun

Troops - 5 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Meltagun in Drop Pod

Troops - 5 Grey Hunters with Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard and Meltagun in Drop Pod

Troops - 8 Wolf Guard (4 in power armour with Combi-Melta and Powerfist, 1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Powerweapon, 1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Wolf Claw, 1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Chainfist and 1 in terminator armour with power weapon, stormbolter and cyclone missile launcher) in Drop Pod

Troops - 5 Wolf Guard (1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Powerweapon, 1 in terminator armour with Combi-Melta and Wolf Claw, 1 in terminator armour with Storm Shield and Powerweapon, 1 in terminator armour with Storm Shield and Wolf Claw and 1 in terminator armour with Storm Shield & Chainfist) in Drop Pod

Fast Attack - Landspeeder Tornado with multi-melta and heavy flamer

Fast Attack - Landspeeder Tornado with multi-melta and heavy flamer

Heavy Support - 6 Long Fangs (3 with Missile Launchers and 2 with Multi-Meltas) in Drop Pod

Skyrar and the wolf guard with cyclone missile launcher will join the long fangs and will generaly be the first drop pod down. The wolf guards in power armour will join the grey hunters and the scouts. The remaining wolf guard terminators and the runepriest will also drop on the first turn. The other terminator squads will round out the first turn drop pod assaulot. The scouts will outflank. The grey hunters will stay in reserve. The two speeders will either deep strike or stay in regular reserves. Damn shame they cannot outflank :)

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