woensdag 18 juli 2012

Tournament battle vs Blood Angels

My third and final battle of the first day of the Belgian Open was against a blood angels army consisting off multiple predators, several units of assault marines in razorbacks with sanguinary priests, a unit of honor guard with a librarian in a razorback, landspeeders and a dreadnought in a drop pod. This mission was a modified seize ground with 3 objectives but each enemy HQ you killed was also worth an objective. Deployment was pitched battle.

I won the roll to go first and let my opponent choose table sides and deploy. He deployed all of his units except for the dreadnought in the drop pod. I deployed nothing.

In my opponent's first turn, he dropped his dreadnought and then moved up all of his units. It would have been opportune to use smoke but he didn't do that.
In my first turn, I dropped down my shooty terminators with the runepriest, Logan and the longfangs and my assault terminators. I blew up a few vehicles and immobilized a predator.

In my opponent's second turn, he moved his vehicles back and his dreadnought closer. He took some shots at my assault terminators and the long fangs.
On my turn, a unit of grey hunters arrived in front of his line of razorbacks. I also deepstruck a landspeeder in front of them. I blew up one of his vehicles. The longfangs took out the dreadnought. The remaining assault terminators assaulted his pinned assault marines. I also blew up another transport.

In my opponent's next turn, he disembarked the honour guard and assaulted my grey hunters with both the honour guard and the assault marines. I lost the grey hunters and the landspeeder.
In my third turn, a unit of scouts came on near his table edge. My rune priest and the shooty terminators moved towards the nearby objective. The runepriest shot murderous hurricane at an approaching unit of assault marines. The scouts also shot at that unit. Only the chainfist and stormshield assault terminator was still alive in the combat with the other assault marines squad. Logan and the longfangs started to move up and took some shots at his vehicles, destroying the immobilized predator.

On my opponent's fourth turn, he moved his honour guard back into their vehicle while the assault marines were moving towards the nearest objective. But a lot of wrecks were between his forces and mine.
On my fourth turn, the second unit of grey hunters arrived in the middle of the board. They moved so they could claim the nearby objective. He lost another predator and the remaining assault marines that were suffering from murderous hurricane didn't make it into combat.

On my opponent's fifth turn, he took out the drop pod sitting on one of the objectives with his assault marines. He moved his remaining razorbacks away and into shooting range of my grey hunters holding the objective.
On my fifth turn, the second unit of wolf scouts arrived near his honour guard. I also deepstruck a landspeeder right on top of that objective. The grey hunters holding the center objective moved between the wrecks and my drop pod, trying to find cover from his units. The heavy flamer from the landspeeder and the shots from my scouts thinned down his assault marines squad.

We ended the battle here as we didn't believe we had time to play another round. I had one objective claimed and two contested. If the battle had continued it could still have swung both ways.

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