dinsdag 17 juli 2012

Tournament battle vs Dark Eldar

My second battle at the Belgian Open was against a dark eldar army consisting of 5 units of wracks (4 in venoms and one in a raider), three units of trueborn in venoms, three ravagers, the baron, a homunculus and a large unit of hellions. Deployment was spearhead. In this mission each player had to try to hold more victory points than his opponent in five areas: each spearhead table quarter and the no-mans land in the middle.

My opponent won the roll and took a while to decide wether or not he was going to deploy and if he was going to let me go first or not. In the end he let me go first and we both didn't deploy anything.

In my first turn, I dropped Logan and the longfangs in the middle of the table but I scattered back. I also dropped my unit of assault terminators near his board edge. I kept the shooty terminators and the priest off the board and in stead dropped a grey hunter squad in my deployment zone.
In my opponent's first turn, about half of his army came on. He started to shoot at the assault terminators, killing more than a few and the longfangs also took some damage.

On my second turn, all my reserves except for the shooty terminators arrived. The first unit of scouts came on on the wrong side so I had them move up towards terrain in the other table quarter on my side of the table. The other scout squad moved up and ran into terrain near his board edge. The second unit of grey hunters dropped in front of his vehicles. The remaining assault terminators moved up towards his lines. Logan and the remaining longfangs took some shots at his skimmers. I deepstruck both landspeeders in front of his vehicles. One ended up in terrain but made it's save. I blew up one vehicle but failed to do much else.
In my opponent's second turn, his hellions showed up. He assaulted the grey hunters but they held their ground. His shooting destroyed all the assault terminators save one and a landspeeder. He had an infantry unit assault my remaining assault terminator but he held his ground as well. My scouts near his board edge went to ground in terrain and absorbed a lot of enemy fire.

On my third turn, the shooty terminators arrived. I tried to land them near his table edge but they scattered off the table. He got to place them and put them in my deployment zone, right in the corner. Most of my units were either out of range or locked in combat so there was not much to do. The remaining longfangs took some shots and in the assault phase, the grey hunters were destroyed. The lone assault terminator stayed in combat, whitling down his unit one by one.
In his turn, he added another squad to the assault with the lone terminator but once more, he held his ground. The helions assaulted the long fangs and Logan and destroyed them as well. The scouts near his board edge survived another round of concentrated fire but I lost most of them.

On my fourth turn, I didn't do much. I kept my remaining units back and hopefully out of range of his helions.
In his fourth turn, he shot down several of the shooty terminators from afar. His helions assaulted the second unit of grey hunters but once more they stopped his assault cold. The lone terminator was still holding his ground. He also started to move vehicles around so he could claim as many table quarters as possible. The second landspeeder also got destroyed.

On my fifth turn, my wolfguard survived the battle with the helions but they used hit and run to get out of the combat. I tried to get the remaining shooty terminator and the runepriest into area terrain.
On his final turn, he shot down the shooty terminator and the runepriest. The helions assaulted and killed the wolf guard from the grey hunter squad. The lone assault terminator also bit the dust, as did the remaining scouts near his table edge.

At the end of the battle, I had only a few immobilized drop pods and the lone scout squad near my table edge left. By moving the helions into the table quarter where my scouts were hiding, he also took the fifth quarter. In the end my opponent won best general at the tournament, so I don't mind losing to him that much. Dark Eldar are a bad match up for my army, especially if I can't let my opponent go first ...

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