woensdag 25 april 2012

Tournament battle vs Tyranids

In the second mission at the the 11th conflict tournament organized by Conect'r each player had to try to hold more victory points than his opponent in five areas: each spearhead table quarter and the no-mans land in the middle. As usual we also earned battle points for the difference in kill points and victory points. In addition, each player had 3 fate points that he could use to re-roll a single d6 (not usable by HQ units and also cannon be used to seize or similar game rolls) but each time you did this, your opponent could choose one of your units that would then be worth an additional kill point. Deployment was spearhead.

My opponent's forces consisted of a hive tyrant with one bodyguard, two tervigons, two units of two hiveguard, a trygon, a unit of ymgarl genestealers, three units of regular genestealers and a unit of gaunts. I won the roll to go first and let my opponent choose deployment zone and go first. After seeing my all drop pod army, he decided to reserve everything, with two of the regular genestealer units outflanking and the ymgarl arriving out of a terrain piece. I deployed nothing.

In my first turn I dropped down Logan and the long fangs near the middle but within his deployment zone but they scattered off to the right. I also dropped down the assault terminators in the middle of his table side. They got out and into terrain. As my last drop pod I dropped down a unit of grey hunters in between the two other drop pods. Taking cover behind the drop pods, I didn't ran my units.
In my opponent's second turn all his units except for the hive tyrant and both units of hiveguard arrived. The two units of genestealers arrived on the same side (my left) and he let one unit walk on in my half of the table and the other in his half of the table. One Tervigon moved up in the corner above the genestealers. The other one moved up near the middle of that table quarter along with the Trygon, the genestealers and the gaunts. The ymgarl genestealers arrived out of the terrain piece in the center of the table. The Tervigons couldn't spawn the turn they came on. With all his shooting left in reserve, he ran the genestealers and then we went straight to the assault phase. He assaulted my grey hunters with the ymgarl and the assault terminators with the genestealers and the trygon. The ymgarl slaughtered the grey hunters and consolidated behind the assault terminators' drop pod. Since the other nids didn't have grenades, my terminators got to strike first. The genestealers suffered greatly and the trygon also took some wounds from the chainfist. In return I made all my saves, five regulars and five rending. Both his units took some more fearless wounds from losing combat.
In my second turn all my units except for one unit of scouts arrived. I dropped the shooty terminators and the runepriest next to the outflanking genestealers near his table edge. The scouts also came down right behind these genestealers. The last drop pod with the second unit of grey hunters came down in my left table quarter, in double tap range of the other unit of outflanking genestealers. My runepriest left the unit of wolf guard and used Jaws of the World Wolf to take out the tervigon in the corner. The shooty terminators and the scouts shot their bolters at the genestealers. Unfortunately I had forgotten that he had cast feel no pain on them. Otherwise, the AP5 bolters would have taken them down easily as they were in the open. I still took out most of the squad. My grey hunters opened up on the other genestealer unit but failed miserably to hit them. Logan and the longfangs moved up and took aim at the ymgarl, shooting most of them down, leaving only three alive. The scouts assaulted the genestealers but I believe only the powerfist survived that combat and he remained stuck in combat. The assault terminators killed off the Trygon and all but one of the genestealers while I only lost one terminator.

In my opponent's third turn, both the hive tyrant and one unit of hive guard arrived. The walked on in front of my shooty terminators. The unit of genestealers that was on my side of the board went for the runepriest, assaulted and killed him. The hive tyrant and his bodyguard assaulted the shooty terminators. The tervigon spawned 14 gaunts. My assault terminators destroyed both the lone regular genestealer and the remaining ymgarl genestealers. They consolidated through terrain towards my opponent's forces.
In my third turn my last unit of scouts arrived. They came on on the other side of the table so I moved them into my table half, hoping to claim that table quarter with just that unit. Logan and the longfangs continued to move towards my opponent's forces. They took some shots at the tervigon. The grey hunters on my table edge moved up through terrain and took some shots at the genestealers that had killed the runepriest, killing them all. The wolf guard scout killed the last of the genestealers. The hive tyrant and the bodygard defeated the shooty terminators and consolidated towards the lone wolf guard scout. The assault terminators assaulted the nearest unit of gaunts.
In my opponent's fourth turn, his last unit of hive guard arrived. He moved them on in the opposite corner of his table edge, hoping to take that quarter with them. They tried to take out the nearest drop pod but failed. His hive guard assaulted the lone wolf guard scout and he wanted to multi assault a nearby drop pod with his bodyguard but I thought that wasn't possible. We called a judge and he agreed although a bystander was convinced it was possible. We used the judge's call and he just slaughtered the wolf guard and consolidated back towards his forces. His tervigon spawned another unit of gaunts but rolled doubles. These gaunts also threw themselves into the fight with the assault terminators, as did the previously spawned unit. They succeeded in killing the remaining terminators.
In my turn (we knew this was going to be the last turn), I split off Logan from the longfangs who had made it into the centre of the board. Logan went in the direction off the hiveguard in the corner, his points giving me that quarter. The long fangs took some shots at his hive tyrant and both the hive tyrant and the body guard took some wounds. Unfortunately, they were a single unit and thus not at half strength for calculating victory points.
I took 4 of the 5 areas while he took the last area. In the end I won by 6 battle points.

maandag 23 april 2012

Tournament battle vs Necrons

Yesterday I went to the 11th conflict tournament organized by Conect'r. In the first mission each player begins with a flag marker and a 3”-diameter station marker. The station marker is placed 6” from the middle point of the long table side on which your army will deploy. The flag marker is placed on top of it. Each player must try to place his flag on his opponents station and capture his opponent's flag. In addition you can also score battlepoints with kill points as a secondary mission objective and victory points as a third mission objective. Deployment is dawn of war.

My opponent brought a Necron army consisting of The stormlord, another overlord, two royal courts, two units of wraiths, a unit of scarabs, a large unit of warriors and three units of immortals. I don't know who won the roll to go first but in the end I went first. I deployed nothing. He deployed his large unit of warriors with two upgrades and the stormlord in the middle of his deployment zone, near his table edge. This unit included a veil of darkness. Everything else would walk on the board in his first turn. They were in contact with the flag and picked it up.

In my first turn I dropped Logan and the longfangs in the middle of the table but to the right of his large squad. My assault terminators also come down in the middle of the table but to the left of his large squad. As my third drop pod, I took a unit of grey hunters and dropped them to the right of his large squad. They deviated an ended up near his table edge. I opened fire and took down a bunch of necron warriors but he put a few back up.
In his first turn, his large squad veiled away towards the left of my deployment zone. In later turns he had four upgrades/ICs in his large unit which should not have been possible. I think he deployed his second overlord also in the large unit but with dawn of war, you can only deploy one HQ choice. If he had walked on the second HQ and joined the squad, the squad couldn't have veiled anymore in that turn. The rest of his units arrived on the board. The stormlord used his special lightning ability and rolled a lot of sixes but managed to kill only a model here and there. His tomb spiders spawned two more scarabs but one of them took a wound. My terminators and the longfangs weathered his shooting. His first unit of wraiths assaulted my terminators. I lost all but one of the terminators but he held. The other unit of wraiths assaulted Logan and the longfangs. I lost a few longfangs and he lost a few wraiths. His spiders and the scarabs assaulted my grey hunters. He made an effort to multi-assault the scarabs into the drop pod but then made all his attacks on the unit and none on the drop pod. Except for one model that was only in base to base with the spiders, all my models struck at the scarabs. I killed a few and then my powerfist killed a few more bases. He lost combat by 17 or so, taking an equal amount of fearless saves, killing the remaining scarabs and leaving only one spider with one wound left.

In my turn my second unit of grey hunters arrived, as did one unit of scouts. I dropped them next to his veil of darkness unit. Both units shot at them. I had hoped to assault them with the scouts but they were out of range. Logan and the longfangs finished off the wraiths and consolidated towards his other troops. The other wraiths finished off the lone terminator and consolidated towards Logan and the remaining longfang. The grey hunters killed off the last spider and also consolidated towards his troops.
In my opponent's second turn he once more veiled away, this time near the right middle of the board. With his shooting, he took out my grey hunters. In the assault, he took out Logan and the longfangs.

In my third turn, both my scouts and the shooty terminators with the runepriest arrived. I didn't got to choose were the scouts came on and got the wrong side of the board to get to the large unit so I moved hem on towards his shooting troops on his side of the board. The drop pod came down next to his large unit. The runepriest got off Jaws of the World Wolf and I sniped both the stormlord and his overlord while two regular warriors survived. Unfortunately he said it was possible to get them to stand back up. I found this strange so we called a judge who also thought that was possible. Not only did they both get back up, the stormlord got back up with all his wounds. I had moved the grey hunters also towards the large unit but stung them out and picked up my own flag. I shot the stormbolters from the shooty terminators and the few grey hunters that were in range but that didn't do much. The scouts moved up but were out of range from everyting. The newly arrived scouts ran but didn't make it into cover. The drop pods took some pot shots but didn't do anything worht mentioning. By this time he had already took out one or two with his lightning.
In my opponent's third turn, the stormlord used his special one shot shooting attack and then the unit assaulted my runepriest and the terminators. They wiped them out. The cryptecs in his small units started to shoot at droppods and at my approaching scouts. The wraiths moved up towards my terminators but were out of range for the assault.

In my next turn I think my grey hunters moved up and assaulted the wraiths, knowing they were going to get the assault anyway and this way would not suffer the shooting attacks from his other units. The scouts trailed behind them but didn't make it yet. The other scouts assaulted a small unit of immortals and destoyed them. They tried to consolidate into terrain but didn't make it.
In his fourth turn he veiled once more, right onto my objective, placing his flag on my objective. He shot up both scout squads, killing the unit on his side of the board. I lost combat with the wraiths but the lone powerfist wolf guard held his ground on a double one.

In my next turn, the scouts assaulted the wraiths but both my units got annihilated. He consolidated towards my objective. I now only had a few drop pods left.
In his fifth turn, he shot my drop pods, destroying all the remaining once except for one that got a weapon destroyed. We rolled to see if the game continued and it did not. He didn't table me so he didn't get full battle points so we ended the game with 23 vs 3 battle points.

woensdag 11 april 2012

Hobby progress update

More progress was made today! I finished all the wooden panels. I still need to find a way to roughen them up a bit so the drybrush will pick out more details.

I also applied some paint to the board surface of the test piece. First a deval mud wash...

... and then a drybrush of bleached bone.

dinsdag 10 april 2012

Hobby progress update

I made some more progress today. I added the colored textured paste on the surface of the part that was already painted. I don't know if I am going to leave it like this or add a wash and a drybrush.

I also finished making the walls sections. After this is dry, I can start painting ...

maandag 9 april 2012

Hobby progress update

I made some more progress on the trenches test display today.

I drybrushed the wooden floor section with khemri brown. It gives a slight highlight but the wooden pieces are too flat to pick up a lot of paint. I'll try to roughen up the next batch with a iron brush or something similar.

The wall sections got a drybrush of a mix of boltgun metal and tin bitz. I then applied a liberal wash of deval mud for a weathering effect.

I also started to work on another wall section. I finished the "gun emplacement" section where the models will be able to stand and have line of sight out of the trenches.

I'm going to let this dry overnight before I continue with the rest. I propably don't have enough of the H-shaped plasticcard so I'll have to go shopping for those before I will be able to finish them.

It looks like the floor sections will peal off the paper without problem so I can now start on doing the same for the other floor sections.

With all the techniques sorted out, I don't expect it will be much work to finish the test display piece.

zondag 8 april 2012

Tournament test battle vs Eldar

Last friday I played a second 1750 battle with the special missions for a tournament I will be attending later this month. I played against an eldar army consisting of eldrad and a unit of banshees in a waveserpent, a unit of firedragons in a waveserpent, two units of dire avengers in waveserpents, three warwalkers, three weapon platforms, a unit of pathfinders and a unit of dark reapers. Deployment was spearhead. In this mission each player had to try to hold more victory points than his opponent in five areas: each spearhead table quarter and the no-mans land in the middle. As usual we also earned battle points for the difference in kill points and victory points. In addition, each player had 3 fate points that he could use to re-roll a single d6 (not usable by HQ units and also cannon be used to seize or similar game rolls) but each time you did this, your opponent could choose one of your units that would then be worth an additional kill point.

I won the roll to go first and had my opponent choose sides and take first turn. He deployed all his vehicles near his board edge, the dark reapers on the second and third floor of a ruined building and his war walkers as much forward as he could towards the middle. His weapon plaforms took position in another ruin near the centre of the table. He infiltrated his pathfinders in a ruin in the other table quarter on my side of the board. I deployed nothing. He then scouted his walkers forward.

In my opponent's first turn, he moved all his vehicles forward, parking them all with their rear against the three walkers in the middle. With nothing of me on the board, there was no shooting or assault.
In my first turn, I dropped down Logan with the longfangs, the three shooty terminators with the runepriest and my assault terminators. I shot a lot of combi-melta's but only blew up the waveserpent with Eldrad and the banshees, killing a few banshees and two of my shooty terminators in the blast. The longfangs failed to hurt my opponent's vehicles. My runepriest who had left the squad cast murderous hurricane on the banshees, made his psychic check on 3d6 but failed to hit. So no hits, but they were still affected by the difficult/dangerous terrain part of the power.

In my opponent's second turn he disembarked his firedragons and shot at my terminators but I made all my saves. He moved both dire avenger squads away to the sides of the table. He opened fire on Logan's squad with the dark reapers and the war walkers, killing all the long fangs and the wolf guard. He also shot down the last shooty terminator. The banshees and eldrad assaulted the rune priest but eldrad didn't make it into melee reach. The banshees whiffed on their attacks and the runepriest only took one wound while killing a few back.
On my second turn, both my scout squads arrived. The first scout squad went for the dire avengers' waveserpent on my opponent's right side. They blew up the waveserpent but the dire avengers disembarked out of charge range into a ruin. The other scouts went for the building where the dark reapers had taken position. They shot their melta's at the other dire avengers' waveserpent and stunned it. The assault terminators went for the firedragons, won combat and the fire dragons ran away. They consolidated back towards the disembarked dire avengers hiding in the ruin. Logan went for the warwalkers and destroyed one. The banshees and eldrad killed my runepriest and consolidated towards my scouts that were threatening his dark reapers.

In my opponent's third turn, Eldrad left the banshees and went for the shooty terminator's drop pod, destroying it in melee combat. The banshees tried to make it to the scouts but were slowed by terrain and didn't make it. His firedragons kept running as they were near the long fang drop pod but they blew it up in the shooting phase. His dire avengers, the weapon platforms and the dark reapers shot at the assault terminators and I lost a few. Logan destroyed another war walker.
In my fourth turn the first grey hunter drop pod arrived. It dropped down between the walkers and the weapon platforms and shot at the remaining banshees, killing them. The assault terminators attacked the dire avengers and wiped them. They consolidated towards the center of the board. Logan destroyed the last war walker and consolidated into the crater of the long fang drop pod, just within 6 inches of the firedragons. The first scout squad moved towards the middle of the table, heading for the empty table quarter that was supposed to be my deployment zone. The other scout squad entered the ruin and assaulted the dark reapers.

In my opponent's fourth turn, Eldrad moved towards Logan. The fire dragons ran but were no yet off the table. They shot at Logan and he took one wound. The dire avenger's waveserpent moved towards the middle of the table. His weapon platforms took some shots at my grey hunters, taken some down. His snipers continued to shoot at my assault terminators. The combat between the scouts and the dark reapers continued. Every assault phase, he lost one but he never took one of mine down. Eldrad assaulted Logan and used a psychic power that took his last two wounds.
In my fourth turn, my last drop pod arrived with another grey hunter squad. I dropped it right between Eldrad and the firedragons. They shot at Eldrad, instantly killing him with a melta shot. My scouts continued their fight with the dark reapers. The other scouts entered the table quarter and moved into terrain. My remaining assault terminators made it into terrain near the center of the table. The other grey hunter squad shot and assaulted the weapon platforms, doing nothing in the shooting phase but wiping them in the assault phase. They consolidated towards the pathfinders.

In my opponent's fifth turn, his firedragons were forced to run off the board. He moved his last waveserpent into my deployment zone, disembarked the dire avengers who then shot up my scouts, killing all of them. His pathfinders and the waveserpent killed the last of my assault terminators. My other scouts destroyed the last dark reaper.
In my fifth turn, I moved both grey hunter squads towards his last waveserpent. The meltaguns in both squads were just in range. The first one failed, but the second one blew up the waveserpent. We rolled to see if the game continued but it didn't. Thanks to the assault terminator's drop pod and the lucky melta shot, I also held the middle so I had 3 areas to his 2. I had made 3 kill points more and had also more more victory points left than he had. For the tournament scoring system, this gave me a minor victory.

Hobby progress update

I got the airbrush out today and put some color on my test pieces.

I first undercoated both pieces with the vallejo black primer.

After it dried, I airbrushed the wooden parts with vallejo model air dark earth.

The wall section was airbrushed with vallejo model air rust.

Next up will be some drybrushing and maybe a wash.

zaterdag 7 april 2012

Tournament test battle vs Space Marines

Last friday I played another 1750 battle with the special missions for a tournament I will be attending later this month. I played against a space marine army consisting of Vulkan, a unit of thunder hammer and stormshield terminators in a landraider redeemer, three units of tactical marines in rhinos, a lascannon predator and three multi-melta and heavy flamer landspeeders. Deployment was spearhead. In this mission each player had to try to hold more victory points than his opponent in five areas: each spearhead table quarter and the no-mans land in the middle. As usual we also earned battle points for the difference in kill points and victory points. In addition, each player had 3 fate points that he could use to re-roll a single d6 (not usable by HQ units and also cannon be used to seize or similar game rolls) but each time you did this, your opponent could choose one of your units that would then be worth an additional kill point.

I lost the roll to go first and my opponent let me choose sides and take first turn. I deployed the long fangs on my table quarter in a ruined tower with line of sight to almost anything on the board. I once more changed up my wolf guard units a bit to do this. I put the power weapon and combi-melta terminator from my large squad of terminators with the longfangs. This gave me room to put Logan with that unit in their drop pod. I kept the terminator with cyclone missile launcher in the other squad and added the rune priest to that squad, giving me another full drop pod.
My opponent then did decide to deploy and filled his table quarter, starting from the back with all his vehicles, keeping just enough space between them that I had no place to put a drop pod between his lines.

On my first turn, I first dropped down my shooty terminators with the rune priest. They landed in front of his lines near the middle of my opponent's table edge. I then dropped down a unit of grey hunters in front of his lines on the other side of his deployment zone. Finally Logan and the close combat terminators dropped in between these two but the drop pod scattered towards the middle of the table. My shooty terminators blew up his predator. The grey hunters shot at a rhino but failed to do anything significant. The runepriest who had left the unit shot at another rhino but also did nothing seriously. The long fangs with missile launchers took some shots but the multi-melta's were out of range. They did take out one of the landspeeders.
In my opponent's first turn, he moved his remaining landspeeders near my unit of grey hunters and shot them to pieces. I only had three grey hunters left. With his other shooting, he killed two of the shooting terminators and my runepriest. As all his units were still in their vehicles, there was no assault.

On my second turn, another unit of grey hunters arrived, a unit of scouts arrived and I got to choose where to place them and the empty long fang drop pod arrived which I dropped far from everything else into the empty table quarter on my side of the table. The grey hunters arrived next to the shooty terminator drop pod and shot at a nearby rhino but only immmobilized it. The wolf scouts arrived from my opponent's board edge next to his landraider but the double melta did no damage. The remaining grey hunters from the first squad blew up the rhino in front of them and the tactical squad inside failed their pinning check. Logan and the assault termintors moved to multi-assault both landspeeders but only destroyed one. The long fang missile launchers didn't do anything usefull this turn. The remaining shooty terminators assaulted the nearby rhino and wrecked it. The tactical squad got out on the other side of the rhino. The wolf scouts assaulted the landraider but failed to hurt it again.
In my opponent's second turn, he moved his landraider back and shot my scouts from which only the wolf guard survived. He moved his landspeeder away from Logan and the assault terminators and shot at them, killing one. He moved his remaining rhino behind the squad that was pinned and shot at the terminators, killing another one. The tactical squad that wasn't pinned moved up towards my grey hunters, shot their pistols at them and then assaulted them. This combat would last for 4 player rounds and in the final round, both lone remaining sergeants killed each other at the same time with their powerfists. Out of those four turns, the mark of the wulfen rolled 3 sixes and a four for his attacks!

In my third turn, my second scout squad arrived, this time from the side but still in melta range of his landraider. Their shot immobilized the landraider. The two remaining shooty terminators shot at the landspeeder but failed to hurt it. The remaining grey hunters from the first squad and Logan and the remaining assault terminators moved towards the pinned tactical squad. I didn't shoot at them for fear of causing enough casualties that would take away the chance to reach them through terrain. In the assault, I wiped the squad out with all the power weapon and power fist attacks, losing only another grey hunter. Both scout squads assaulted the landraider but only blew off a weapon. I did position myself so that both the front hatch and one of the side doors was blocked and with his other side door so near the table edge, his terminators might not be able to get out.
In my opponent's third turn, he disembarked his last tactical squad, shot their pistols at my scouts and assaulted them. He was indeed unable to disembark his terminators (he could place four but not five) and he didn't want to do an emergency disembarkation so he only disembarked vulkan who went after the remaining wolf scout battle leader that was blocking the front of the landraider, killing him easily. His remaining landspeeder tried to take out a drop pod but failed.

In my fourth turn, I moved my assault terminators towards the nearby rhino. The lone combi-melta shot at it but failed to hurt it so the terminators had to assault it. Logan left that unit and went for the landraider, just making the assault. The remaining grey hunters went to the aid of the scouts and assaulted the tactical marines. My shooty terminators moved through explotion craters, shot at Vulkan but failed to hurt him but then they just made their assault move through terrain. Vulkan killed one of the two terminators but a chainfist attack instantly killed Vulkan in return. The chainfist terminator consolidated back in front of the front hatch of the landraider, keeping his terminators trapped inside. Logan took off another weapon from the landraider. My long fangs blew up his last land speeder.
In my opponent's fourth turn, his tactical squad got wiped, killing all the scouts and grey hunters except for one wolf guard battleleader. I don't remember how the landraider got destroyed at this point. I thought the chainfist did it but he couldn't have. Maybe Logan did it.

In my fifth turn, the lone wolf guard went for the rhino while the assault terminators once more joined Logan. The wolf guard destroyed the rhino. Logan and the assault terminators assaulted the thunderhammer stormshield terminators, assisted by the chainfist shooty terminator, through terrain. So everyone got to strike simulteanously at initiative 1. Logan used his special rule to give everyone another attack this turn. I lost two terminators but he lost three. He started to use his fate points for rerolls on his attacks.
In my opponent's fifth turn, I struck before him with Logan and the remaining power weapon terminator, killing his last two models and wiping him. At that moment, his terminator squad was worth 4 kill points!

Hobby progress update

First of all, a picture of the result of some tests I did. The green plastic used here was recovered from the garden and was severly warped which made it impossible to allign it properly to the foam. But I have since bought some new pieces, so the final result will be much cleaner.

I mainly learned that the glue I intended to use wasn't ok, but I have now switched to something else that does work. But I will be using all the materials that are on this picture. The colored paste that I bought to texture (and color) the board, is sticky enough that when I press in the wood pieces, they hold on to the board.

Next up, I cut out the trenches into the display board that I will use as a test for my game board.

For the wooden 'floor' of the trenches, I intend to paint these up front and then press them into the base so I do not need to paint it on the board. To make it easy on myself (I hope) I have glued these to a piece of paper.

I now intend to airbrush these (undercoat and basecoat) and then drybrush them. I used a weak glue so I hope They still come off from the sheet of paper without too much hassle.

This afternoon, I also started to work on a test piece for the 'walls' of the trenches. I bought some H-shaped plasticcard yesterday. I cut these up and placed the pieces of green plastic in between. This will break it up a bit and give me some edges to higlight.

I do not intend to glue the pieces of 'wall' foam to the 'floor' foam until finaly assembly. This will allow me to airbrush and drybrush the wall sections without chance of messing up the floor sections. Afterwards I will only need to apply the texturing paste to the top level.

Everything needs to dry now and then I can take out the airbrush and start applying some color.

Trenches terrain table

Now that my space wolves army is finished, I am going to make a terrain board to play on. And after seeing a Blue Table Painting video about their trenches terrain table, I knew what I wanted to make.

To get an idea about materials and how to use them, I will start a little smaller with a display board for a display case at my FLGS.

So expect some updates soon!

dinsdag 3 april 2012

Hobby progress update

The display board is finaly finished! I'm quite happy with the result.

I had to change the way I went about flocking the board. For this result, I used a mix of watered down white glue and bicarbonate of soda, applying the paste in blobs and then brushing them open with a wet paintbrush.

And some close-ups ...

And off course with the miniatures on ...

And as promised some pics of how I magnetised the figures itself.

For the 25mm bases, I put a small dot of superglue on the underside of the base, added a tiny ball of green stuff and another drop of superglue and then pushed the small magnet into the green stuff. If you do this, keep in mind you push it in deep enough so that the magnet doesn't stick out beyond the rim off the base.

For the 40mm bases, I added a small bit of green stuff into one of the holes already on the bases, added a drop of superglue and then pushed in a magnet (these fitted perfectly) and then made sure once more that it was flush with the plastic.