My opponent's forces consisted of a hive tyrant with one bodyguard, two tervigons, two units of two hiveguard, a trygon, a unit of ymgarl genestealers, three units of regular genestealers and a unit of gaunts. I won the roll to go first and let my opponent choose deployment zone and go first. After seeing my all drop pod army, he decided to reserve everything, with two of the regular genestealer units outflanking and the ymgarl arriving out of a terrain piece. I deployed nothing.
In my first turn I dropped down Logan and the long fangs near the middle but within his deployment zone but they scattered off to the right. I also dropped down the assault terminators in the middle of his table side. They got out and into terrain. As my last drop pod I dropped down a unit of grey hunters in between the two other drop pods. Taking cover behind the drop pods, I didn't ran my units.
In my opponent's second turn all his units except for the hive tyrant and both units of hiveguard arrived. The two units of genestealers arrived on the same side (my left) and he let one unit walk on in my half of the table and the other in his half of the table. One Tervigon moved up in the corner above the genestealers. The other one moved up near the middle of that table quarter along with the Trygon, the genestealers and the gaunts. The ymgarl genestealers arrived out of the terrain piece in the center of the table. The Tervigons couldn't spawn the turn they came on. With all his shooting left in reserve, he ran the genestealers and then we went straight to the assault phase. He assaulted my grey hunters with the ymgarl and the assault terminators with the genestealers and the trygon. The ymgarl slaughtered the grey hunters and consolidated behind the assault terminators' drop pod. Since the other nids didn't have grenades, my terminators got to strike first. The genestealers suffered greatly and the trygon also took some wounds from the chainfist. In return I made all my saves, five regulars and five rending. Both his units took some more fearless wounds from losing combat.
In my second turn all my units except for one unit of scouts arrived. I dropped the shooty terminators and the runepriest next to the outflanking genestealers near his table edge. The scouts also came down right behind these genestealers. The last drop pod with the second unit of grey hunters came down in my left table quarter, in double tap range of the other unit of outflanking genestealers. My runepriest left the unit of wolf guard and used Jaws of the World Wolf to take out the tervigon in the corner. The shooty terminators and the scouts shot their bolters at the genestealers. Unfortunately I had forgotten that he had cast feel no pain on them. Otherwise, the AP5 bolters would have taken them down easily as they were in the open. I still took out most of the squad. My grey hunters opened up on the other genestealer unit but failed miserably to hit them. Logan and the longfangs moved up and took aim at the ymgarl, shooting most of them down, leaving only three alive. The scouts assaulted the genestealers but I believe only the powerfist survived that combat and he remained stuck in combat. The assault terminators killed off the Trygon and all but one of the genestealers while I only lost one terminator.
In my opponent's third turn, both the hive tyrant and one unit of hive guard arrived. The walked on in front of my shooty terminators. The unit of genestealers that was on my side of the board went for the runepriest, assaulted and killed him. The hive tyrant and his bodyguard assaulted the shooty terminators. The tervigon spawned 14 gaunts. My assault terminators destroyed both the lone regular genestealer and the remaining ymgarl genestealers. They consolidated through terrain towards my opponent's forces.
In my third turn my last unit of scouts arrived. They came on on the other side of the table so I moved them into my table half, hoping to claim that table quarter with just that unit. Logan and the longfangs continued to move towards my opponent's forces. They took some shots at the tervigon. The grey hunters on my table edge moved up through terrain and took some shots at the genestealers that had killed the runepriest, killing them all. The wolf guard scout killed the last of the genestealers. The hive tyrant and the bodygard defeated the shooty terminators and consolidated towards the lone wolf guard scout. The assault terminators assaulted the nearest unit of gaunts.
In my turn (we knew this was going to be the last turn), I split off Logan from the longfangs who had made it into the centre of the board. Logan went in the direction off the hiveguard in the corner, his points giving me that quarter. The long fangs took some shots at his hive tyrant and both the hive tyrant and the body guard took some wounds. Unfortunately, they were a single unit and thus not at half strength for calculating victory points.
I took 4 of the 5 areas while he took the last area. In the end I won by 6 battle points.